Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Come and gone

I'll still have tons to write and pictures to show, but in the mean time....

Left with: 3 pairs of shoes
Came back with: 7 (well, 6 and a pair of slippers from mom)

Left with: about 5 shirts
Came back with: about 9

Left with: one disk for my camera, almost totally empty
came back with: 2 almost completely full ones

Left with: 2 suitcases (1 each)
Came back with: 4 suitcases (2 each)

Left with: no visible tan lines
came back with: a slight one on my feet from my flip-flops

Left: having never made some amazing Thai food
came back: knowing how to make some amazing food, with a certificate to proove it

Left: not having touched many "wild" animals--or have them crawl, slither or hop on me
came back: 3 snakes, two different times; birds; elephants; monkeys

I won't even go into the foods, souvineers and memories....


At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have more pics uploaded on mine, if the ones she uploads aren't enough for you ;)



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